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How health astrology helps you to come out of medical problems

Writer's picture: Dr. Vinay BajrangiDr. Vinay Bajrangi

You might be thinking, "How health astrology helps you?" Well, here's the interesting part: Astrology is an ancient wisdom, even older than medical science. And it follows a simple but wise rule – "prevention is better than cure." You see, medical science steps in when someone already has health problems. But health astrology? Instead of waiting for health problems to arise, it gives you early warnings. So, you can take simple steps at certain ages to stay healthy and avoid significant health issues. It's like having your celestial health advisor!

Can Astrology Predict Health Problems

As per health astrology, every one of us get sick sometime or the other but it is a well understood fact that illnesses, just like birth and death are predestined. Be it sanchita karma or prarabdha karma, we have to suffer them all and be done with it. That apart, it is the good karmas of the past that ensure good health in this lifetime.  Specific houses and signs indicate specific body parts and diseases. Based on this information, we can spot the cause and cure of the diseases that set in. Diseases can be overcome if you rely on medical astrology.

Birth chart analysis for Health

Birth chart analysis for health is required to know about our diseases in detail. They are as listed below.

·        The native may lose vision if a malefic planet is situated in Lagna or the 12th house.

·        Malefic aspect on Mercury and lord of will result in hearing loss.

·        The native will suffer physical handicap if Sun, Mars, and Rahu are placed in the 12th house or if there is a severe affliction of the 12th house.

·        One may suffer from chronic illnesses if his Saturn is in fifth or ninth from ascendant accepted by malefic.

·        Malefic aspect on Saturn indicates piles. 

·        It indicates heart disease when your fourth lord occupies a malefic position, and the Sun, Moon and fourth lords are accepted by malefic planets.


Life span prediction


There are super beneficial combinations in astrology that can be used for life span prediction.


·        One can expect to live for 100 years, when Kendra and Trikona are not occupied by malefic and lord of Lagna is in 4th and Jupiter is in 8th house. 


·        In the case of a disease, an astrologer should check for both the harmful and harm mitigating Yogas at the same time.  The aspects of strongly placed Jupiter, Mercury, Venus and moon are enough to mitigate the effects of the disease effectively.


·        If you fall sick during below the day and tithi combinations, things may get a little complicated as cure may be delayed.


·        Tuesday, Prathama tithi, Krithika star: Tuesday, dwiteeya, Ashlesha star; Triteeya, Thursday, Makha nakshatra; Friday, Kumbha Lagna, Dhanishta star: Saturday, Poornima tithi, Bharani star; Kumbha lagna, Saturn navamsha, Gulika, Bharani, or Ashlesha.


·        Take good care of your health, to avert mishaps during these times, during Sunday and Bharani; Monday and Chitra; Tuesday and Uttarashadha; Wednesday and hasta; Thursday and Jyeshta; Friday and Purvashadha; and Saturday and Revati.


Finally, life span prediction should not be done by astrologers as per shastric injunctions.


Skin problem in Birth Chart:

Skin problems in birth chart can be really upsetting if it is not cared for.  Astrologically speaking, skin diseases are caused when:

·        Saturn and Sun occupying the ascendant can give rise to skin irritations.

·        Moon in sixth house having a malefic aspect can cause blood borne diseases.

·        Mercury accepted by Moon occupies 2nd house.

·        Sun, Mars and Moon in sixth house can give you rashes.

·        Mars accepting Saturn in the ascendant can bring in skin diseases.

·        Moon in second house which is a watery sign can cause skin irritations.

 Astrological Remedies for Diseases or Health related Issue

One can resort to astrological remedies for diseases or health related issues.

·        Eye and heart diseases are due to a weak Sun.  To counter this, one must serve the poor, and the downtrodden.  Arghya should be offered to Sun every early morning.

·        Kidney disease, diabetes, urinary infections and depression, are due to the weak moon. One must respect women, and touch mothers feet daily.

·        Insanity, skin disease, vertigo, stroke, ulcer, epidemic diseases, are caused by a weak Mercury. To nullify, one should wash new clothes before trying them on. Offer green colored gifts to womenfolk of the house.

·        ENT issues, cancer, skin diseases, and hypertension usually happen when Mars is weak. Reciting Bajrang Baan on Tuesday, feeding bananas to monkeys on all Tuesdays, will help.

·        Venus is responsible for venereal diseases, urinary tract infections, epilepsy, and infertility, Venus is responsible. To avoid, one must wear shining clothes, gift perfume to spouse and behave respectfully with him.

·        Jupiter can cause bone marrow defect, or jaundice, or obesity. To mitigate it, the native should wear yellow garments on Thursday, and fast on Thursday.

·        For joint pains, muscle diseases, deafness, asthma, etc., the native must follow remedies for Saturn.  He must feed black dogs daily, and not get into vices.

·        Brain and liver disorders, cancer, and insanity, are caused by Rahu, so one must wear silver chain around the neck.

·        Ketu causes skin disease, joint pain, hernia and venereal diseases. One should wear brown or grey apparel and touch elders’ feet after daily bath.

Astrology Consultation for Health

Astrology consultation for health can be done online as well.  All you have to do is to provide your correct date of birth, time and place of birth. Mumbai Astro medical astrology report actually has helped many people spot the diseases which they never knew they existed. You can find a cure for illnesses in medical astrology for sure.



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