Vedic astrology is not a magic but is based on science and astronomy. The influence of planetary position in which one takes his birth is traced in the Kundali and that’s where the answers of all phases of life can be discovered. Yes, the answer of above question is right here that is Astrology can definitely help for drug and alcoholism addiction by providing causes and remedies associated.
By visiting a good astrology consultant with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, you can get a complete horoscopic report for drug and alcoholism addiction in birth chart along with options for online report and voice report. By appropriately applying core principles of health astrology, a good astrologer can help one get rid of alcoholism and drug addiction. Moreover, they can also predict the chances of alcoholism or drug addiction by analyzing the Kundali.
How can Birth Chart Define Drug and Alcoholism Addiction?
As you might know that our Kundali is based on planetary positions in various houses in our Kundali, each house represents life’s certain phase. Talking about mouth or eating habits, it is influenced by second house. Therefore, by analyzing second house of Kundali, the astrologer can predict about alcoholism or drug addiction that likely to have to the native. If the lord of second house of a native is weak, then there are high chances for native to be inclined towards drugs.
Talking about the planet that influences drug addiction that is Rahu which is the biggest planetary influencer to cause this addiction. Moreover, the influence of Rahu, Saturn and Mars can deteriorate this addiction significantly.
After 2nd house, there is 6th house in Kundali that also helps defining drug and alcoholism addiction to the native. 6th house is basically connected to our health. If there is influence of any malefic planets to this house, it will likely to drive native towards bad health or such addiction.
Moreover, the weak moon in second house could be another indicator for a person to be inclined towards drug addiction. Therefore, we can say that Mars, Saturn and Rahu planets are key culprits to cause drug addiction to a person.
Does birth Chart Affect Addiction?
As said earlier, there is definitely a strong connection of our health and addiction with astrology. So, the placement of planets like Rahu in specific house can trigger this addiction in the person. By taking horoscopic consultation from a knowledge astrologer, you can find out a lot about how birth chart affects addiction.
Although above we discussed key culprits planets triggering drug and alcohol addiction to natives, yet to understand how other planets affect addiction, let’s talk about various planets affecting addiction.
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How Various Planets Lead a Person to Drug Addiction
Venus Planet Influencing Drug Addiction – As Venus is a ruling planet for alcohol, drugs and sex, any disturbance in Venus might deteriorate this addiction. A native whose Venus planet gets disturbed could find more happiness in excess of sex, drug intakes and alcoholism.
Moreover the conjunction of Rahu and Ketu indicates the native to have high interests in extreme sexual pleasures and addictive substances like drugs and alcohol. As both Rahu and Ketu are known for their addictive natures, these natives can’t stop themselves from having pleasure of drugs or sex.
Jupiter Planet’s influence as drug addiction remedy – Jupiter is known as a planet of morality and grace. By strengthening Jupiter, the malefic effects of Rahu or specifically drug addiction can be controlled. A strong influence of Jupiter might dilute all kind of negative or malefic planets from second, first and sixth houses in Kundali.
Sometimes, it is also seen that bad placement of Mercury in our Kundali can lead us to think about such addictions. The high effect of this placement might encourage craving for such substances.
What are the indications in our birth chart for Drug & Alcohol Addiction
Connection of 5th house of Kundali with other house like 2, 3, 4 and 6 houses with Venus, Mars and Saturn may lead to excess use of alcohol consumption. Such natives often become alcoholic.
If Saturn falls in Sun’s Nakshatras such as Uttra-Phalguni, Kritika and Uttra-Ashadha, or Mars’ Nakshatras like Dhanishtha, Chitra and Mrigshira, it leads the person to become drug addicted.
Saturn’s placement in its enemy Planets like Moon, Mars and Sun often results in bad effects like drug addiction.
If Saturn falls in Venus or Jupiter’s Nakshatras, it results positive and stops native from developing interest in alcoholism.
Saturn’s placement in Mars’ Nakshtras is a clear indication of high cravings for drugs and alcohol.
If Mars falls in houses like 6, 8 and 12, it increase the craving for various kinds of intoxicating drugs and alcohol. Also disturbed Saturn and Venus in the houses like 3 and 8 are signs of drug addiction for the native.
Therefore, there are various planetary positions that a good astrologer takes into account to provide remedy for drug addiction after discovering the root cause. If you are also suffering from drug addiction or alcoholism, then taking astrological consultation from Mumbai Astro is recommended for beneficial outcomes and a drug free life.